Terms & Conditions
The Midlands Air Festival is organised by Slipstream Management Ltd. We can be contacted by email at [email protected]. Please do not contact Ragley Hall offices for information or customer services issues as they are not connected with organising this event and almost certainly not be able to answer your queries.
The following Terms & Conditions apply to all persons entering the Midlands Air Festival at Ragley Hall. These conditions are issued by Slipstream Management Ltd and are a legally binding contract between you and Slipstream Management Ltd upon purchase of your ticket.
Entering Ragley Hall
Those attending the event are permitted to access Ragley Hall at our discretion and must conduct themselves within the guidelines that we will detail prior to the event. Slipstream Management Ltd reserves the right to amend and supplement these without prior notification. All attendees will be made aware of the changes once in force.
Permission to enter the Midlands Air Festival site does not constitute guaranteed entry to all areas of the site or any buildings or facilities. Slipstream Management Ltd reserve the right to refuse access to areas of the site from time to time and on a temporary or permanent basis.
The ticket, pass or other entitlement to entry issued to an attendee may restrict access to certain areas of the site including the various enclosures and compounds. Where a ticket, pass or other entitlement restricts access to some or all enclosures, transfers between enclosures will not be possible.
No ticket, pass or other entitlement gives any attendee any right to receive, use or exploit any festival data, audio, visual or audio-visual coverage of the festival. Any coverage or data made available at the festival is made available for the personal use and consumption of attendees only and redistribution to any person outside the festival site is strictly prohibited.
Those aged under 17 must be accompanied by a paying adult.
The Midlands Air Festival will be subject to all Government guidelines and directives so entry may be subject to pertaining measures and procedures to allow the event to proceed.
Conduct of Attendees
We reserve the right at any time, without prior notice and without providing its reasons to refuse admission to or expel any attendee who, in our reasonable opinion does not or is likely not to comply with the entry requirements, has or is likely to commit an offence or anything which is unlawful and behaves or is likely to behave in an unacceptable or unruly manner likely to cause offence to other attendees.
All attendees must follow the reasonable written and/or verbal instructions of festival stewards, other staff and officials and the police or other emergency services at all times.
In the interests of safety, we may request to conduct personal body searches of attendees and/or search their personal belongings. We shall be entitled to refuse entry to or expel from the festival site any attendee who refuses to comply with such a request.
The following items must not be brought onto the festival site: knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, drones, laser pens, air-horns, glass drinking glasses, bottles or other glass or similarly breakable containers, cans, poles, stepladders and any other article that might be used as a weapon and/or may in our reasonable opinion compromise public safety. Any attendee in possession of such items will be refused entry to the fiesta site or expelled.
From time to time we may close parts of the festival site for safety reasons. Attendees are prohibited from accessing these areas during these closures.
Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's
Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's to enter the Midlands Air Festival at Ragley Hall are non-transferable.
All Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's issued by us, or by Future Ticketing shall remain our property at all times. We reserve the right to require the immediate return of all passes and tickets at any time.
These Conditions apply to all attendees irrespective of whether or not an attendee has paid for admission and whether or not an attendee has been issued with a ticket (of any type), document or entitlement to enter the festival site.
No refund shall be given in respect of any unused part of any ticket, pass or other entitlement.
Any attendee holding any ticket, pass or other entitlement will be admitted only on presentation of the relevant ticket, pass or other entitlement. Any attendee who fails to bring their pass, ticket or other entitlement to the festival will not be able to gain entry.
Passes and accreditation's must be visible at all times. Tickets must be produced upon request. Failure to do so will result in your removal from Ragley Hall.
Lost or Stolen Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's
Slipstream Management Ltd accept no responsibility for lost or stolen tickets, passes or other entitlements. Ragley Hall has no obligation to replace a lost or stolen ticket, pass or other entitlement. In the event that Slipstream Management Ltd decide to replace a lost or stolen, ticket, pass or other entitlement, a charge may be levied.
Unauthorised Trading & Advertising
Only those attendees who have been given express prior permission by us to trade, advertise, distribute leaflets or conduct any other commercial or promotional activities on the festival site may do so. Trading, advertising, leafleting and commercial or promotional activities by all other attendees is strictly prohibited.
Slipstream Management Ltd reserve the right to confiscate any equipment, stock or other materials in the possession of any attendee whilst on the festival site who is, or whom we reasonably believe to be, involved in unauthorised trade, advertising, leaflet distribution or other commercial or promotional activities.
Media Coverage
The festival may receive media coverage whether it be on television, radio, in print and various other forms of media. By entering the festival site attendees are accepting they may appear in such coverage. Accordingly, attendees shall have no right to object to their inclusion in any such coverage. Each attendee will give any additional consents or waivers required for the unrestricted lawful use of any coverage (if any) without request for payment or imposing any other conditions. By attending the festival, attendees agree that Slipstream Management Ltd may use any media that they have taken and published, regardless of outlet.
Slipstream Management Ltd is not responsible for content on external sites.
As dog lovers, we do not consider this event to be suitable for dogs and or other pets. There will from time to time be loud noises, aircraft engines both jet and heavy piston and high frequency hot air balloon burners. All of these can be distressing to animals at close quarters, therefore we will not allow dogs or pets anywhere on the site.
Loss or Damage
Any property brought onto the festival site by an attendee remains at all times at the entire risk of the attendee. Slipstream Management Ltd accepts no responsibility for the theft or other loss or damage to attendees’ property.
Security teams will be amongst the audience at all times, however attendees must accept that, by its very nature, attending the festival is not without risk. Attendees must therefore remain vigilant and exercise a reasonable degree of caution and care for themselves and those around them at all times.
Slipstream Management Ltd shall not be liable for any direct loss arising out of any breach by us of these conditions where such loss was not reasonably foreseeable by us; nor shall we have any liability for any indirect or consequential loss, damage, costs or expenses, any loss of profits, loss of opportunity or loss of revenue whether foreseeable or not.
Nothing in these conditions shall limit or exclude our liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence or fraudulent act or omission.
Nothing in these conditions shall affect the statutory rights of any attendee attending the festival as a consumer. It is your responsibility to ensure that items purchased from on-site traders are fit for the purpose you are purchasing them for. We will not enter into any negotiations or disputes between members of the public and traders over goods traded or sold. Only officially approved & registered traders and will be allowed to operate on site. Informal ‘car boot’ type trading in the car parks are expressly forbidden. Also, so called ‘guerrilla’ marketing on-site is also expressly forbidden.
All vehicles parked or stored within the festival site are parked at the owner’s risk and Slipstream Management Ltd accepts no responsibility for such vehicles.
This event is an all-weather event and we will do our utmost to continue such aspects of it as are safe to do so in the event of bad weather or weather that affects specific elements of the flying programme. We will not be held responsible for changes, substitutions or cancellations in the daily programme due to weather or other extraneous events or condition that may cause disruption to the event, including acts of terrorism, public order, traffic disruption, acts of god, emergency incident management, etc. The site is mainly grass and generally is well drained and short but we recommend suitable clothing and footwear be worn to accommodate this type of terrain. This can be best described as ‘Country Walking’ clothes and shoes.
Partial or full refunds for any cause or reason are completely at the discretion of Slipstream Management Ltd. Slipstream Management Ltd will not be held responsible for any consequential losses incurred by ticket holders attending the event for any reason.
This event is being run to Civil Aviation Authority CAP 403 and British Balloon & Airship Club guidelines. In the event of an incident of any type, members of the public must listen to and comply with any instruction given to them broadcast over the event public address system, by stewards, Ragley Hall staff or any member of the on-site or civil emergency services present.
In purchasing tickets, it will be deemed that all of the above conditions will be accepted and agreed. Slipstream Management Ltd’ decision on all matters and will be final and binding. Purchasing of a ticket and acceptance of the above conditions constitutes a contract between Slipstream Management Ltd and the purchaser.
The following Terms & Conditions apply to all persons entering the Midlands Air Festival at Ragley Hall. These conditions are issued by Slipstream Management Ltd and are a legally binding contract between you and Slipstream Management Ltd upon purchase of your ticket.
Entering Ragley Hall
Those attending the event are permitted to access Ragley Hall at our discretion and must conduct themselves within the guidelines that we will detail prior to the event. Slipstream Management Ltd reserves the right to amend and supplement these without prior notification. All attendees will be made aware of the changes once in force.
Permission to enter the Midlands Air Festival site does not constitute guaranteed entry to all areas of the site or any buildings or facilities. Slipstream Management Ltd reserve the right to refuse access to areas of the site from time to time and on a temporary or permanent basis.
The ticket, pass or other entitlement to entry issued to an attendee may restrict access to certain areas of the site including the various enclosures and compounds. Where a ticket, pass or other entitlement restricts access to some or all enclosures, transfers between enclosures will not be possible.
No ticket, pass or other entitlement gives any attendee any right to receive, use or exploit any festival data, audio, visual or audio-visual coverage of the festival. Any coverage or data made available at the festival is made available for the personal use and consumption of attendees only and redistribution to any person outside the festival site is strictly prohibited.
Those aged under 17 must be accompanied by a paying adult.
The Midlands Air Festival will be subject to all Government guidelines and directives so entry may be subject to pertaining measures and procedures to allow the event to proceed.
Conduct of Attendees
We reserve the right at any time, without prior notice and without providing its reasons to refuse admission to or expel any attendee who, in our reasonable opinion does not or is likely not to comply with the entry requirements, has or is likely to commit an offence or anything which is unlawful and behaves or is likely to behave in an unacceptable or unruly manner likely to cause offence to other attendees.
All attendees must follow the reasonable written and/or verbal instructions of festival stewards, other staff and officials and the police or other emergency services at all times.
In the interests of safety, we may request to conduct personal body searches of attendees and/or search their personal belongings. We shall be entitled to refuse entry to or expel from the festival site any attendee who refuses to comply with such a request.
The following items must not be brought onto the festival site: knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, drones, laser pens, air-horns, glass drinking glasses, bottles or other glass or similarly breakable containers, cans, poles, stepladders and any other article that might be used as a weapon and/or may in our reasonable opinion compromise public safety. Any attendee in possession of such items will be refused entry to the fiesta site or expelled.
From time to time we may close parts of the festival site for safety reasons. Attendees are prohibited from accessing these areas during these closures.
Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's
Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's to enter the Midlands Air Festival at Ragley Hall are non-transferable.
All Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's issued by us, or by Future Ticketing shall remain our property at all times. We reserve the right to require the immediate return of all passes and tickets at any time.
These Conditions apply to all attendees irrespective of whether or not an attendee has paid for admission and whether or not an attendee has been issued with a ticket (of any type), document or entitlement to enter the festival site.
No refund shall be given in respect of any unused part of any ticket, pass or other entitlement.
Any attendee holding any ticket, pass or other entitlement will be admitted only on presentation of the relevant ticket, pass or other entitlement. Any attendee who fails to bring their pass, ticket or other entitlement to the festival will not be able to gain entry.
Passes and accreditation's must be visible at all times. Tickets must be produced upon request. Failure to do so will result in your removal from Ragley Hall.
Lost or Stolen Tickets, Passes & Accreditation's
Slipstream Management Ltd accept no responsibility for lost or stolen tickets, passes or other entitlements. Ragley Hall has no obligation to replace a lost or stolen ticket, pass or other entitlement. In the event that Slipstream Management Ltd decide to replace a lost or stolen, ticket, pass or other entitlement, a charge may be levied.
Unauthorised Trading & Advertising
Only those attendees who have been given express prior permission by us to trade, advertise, distribute leaflets or conduct any other commercial or promotional activities on the festival site may do so. Trading, advertising, leafleting and commercial or promotional activities by all other attendees is strictly prohibited.
Slipstream Management Ltd reserve the right to confiscate any equipment, stock or other materials in the possession of any attendee whilst on the festival site who is, or whom we reasonably believe to be, involved in unauthorised trade, advertising, leaflet distribution or other commercial or promotional activities.
Media Coverage
The festival may receive media coverage whether it be on television, radio, in print and various other forms of media. By entering the festival site attendees are accepting they may appear in such coverage. Accordingly, attendees shall have no right to object to their inclusion in any such coverage. Each attendee will give any additional consents or waivers required for the unrestricted lawful use of any coverage (if any) without request for payment or imposing any other conditions. By attending the festival, attendees agree that Slipstream Management Ltd may use any media that they have taken and published, regardless of outlet.
Slipstream Management Ltd is not responsible for content on external sites.
As dog lovers, we do not consider this event to be suitable for dogs and or other pets. There will from time to time be loud noises, aircraft engines both jet and heavy piston and high frequency hot air balloon burners. All of these can be distressing to animals at close quarters, therefore we will not allow dogs or pets anywhere on the site.
Loss or Damage
Any property brought onto the festival site by an attendee remains at all times at the entire risk of the attendee. Slipstream Management Ltd accepts no responsibility for the theft or other loss or damage to attendees’ property.
Security teams will be amongst the audience at all times, however attendees must accept that, by its very nature, attending the festival is not without risk. Attendees must therefore remain vigilant and exercise a reasonable degree of caution and care for themselves and those around them at all times.
Slipstream Management Ltd shall not be liable for any direct loss arising out of any breach by us of these conditions where such loss was not reasonably foreseeable by us; nor shall we have any liability for any indirect or consequential loss, damage, costs or expenses, any loss of profits, loss of opportunity or loss of revenue whether foreseeable or not.
Nothing in these conditions shall limit or exclude our liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence or fraudulent act or omission.
Nothing in these conditions shall affect the statutory rights of any attendee attending the festival as a consumer. It is your responsibility to ensure that items purchased from on-site traders are fit for the purpose you are purchasing them for. We will not enter into any negotiations or disputes between members of the public and traders over goods traded or sold. Only officially approved & registered traders and will be allowed to operate on site. Informal ‘car boot’ type trading in the car parks are expressly forbidden. Also, so called ‘guerrilla’ marketing on-site is also expressly forbidden.
All vehicles parked or stored within the festival site are parked at the owner’s risk and Slipstream Management Ltd accepts no responsibility for such vehicles.
This event is an all-weather event and we will do our utmost to continue such aspects of it as are safe to do so in the event of bad weather or weather that affects specific elements of the flying programme. We will not be held responsible for changes, substitutions or cancellations in the daily programme due to weather or other extraneous events or condition that may cause disruption to the event, including acts of terrorism, public order, traffic disruption, acts of god, emergency incident management, etc. The site is mainly grass and generally is well drained and short but we recommend suitable clothing and footwear be worn to accommodate this type of terrain. This can be best described as ‘Country Walking’ clothes and shoes.
Partial or full refunds for any cause or reason are completely at the discretion of Slipstream Management Ltd. Slipstream Management Ltd will not be held responsible for any consequential losses incurred by ticket holders attending the event for any reason.
This event is being run to Civil Aviation Authority CAP 403 and British Balloon & Airship Club guidelines. In the event of an incident of any type, members of the public must listen to and comply with any instruction given to them broadcast over the event public address system, by stewards, Ragley Hall staff or any member of the on-site or civil emergency services present.
In purchasing tickets, it will be deemed that all of the above conditions will be accepted and agreed. Slipstream Management Ltd’ decision on all matters and will be final and binding. Purchasing of a ticket and acceptance of the above conditions constitutes a contract between Slipstream Management Ltd and the purchaser.